Dienstag, 21. Februar 2012

MeTrOpOlItAn NeT wOrKs

Hallo an alle lieben, fleißigen Blog Leser,

ich freue mich, dass ihr meine Reise so zahlreich verfolgt habt und hoffe euch einen realistischen & interessanten Eindruck von meinen Erlebnissen vermittelt zu haben. Meine Halb-Weltreise ist nun vorüber!

Es war fantastisch...ich habe "tausende" neuer Menschen kennengelernt! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanz viel erlebt und ne Menge Spaß gehabt! Auch wenn natürlich nicht immer alles so läuft wie man sich das vorstellt, muss ich sagen, dass ich viel Glück hatte, weder ausgeraubt wurde, noch überfahren oder ne andere, größere Katastrophe passiert ist ;) ...was bei so einigen Verkehrsverhältnissen in Asien oder Ozeanien nicht immer einfach zu vermeiden ist!

Außerdem bin ich irgendwie ziemlich stolz, eine solche (längere) Zeit, die Reise, den Flug & eben alles was dazu gehört, auf eigene Faust und Organisation bewältigt zu haben... ich denke und hoffe, noch so einige Zeit (wahrscheinlich mein Leben lang) von meinen Erlebnissen zu zehren! Besonders, wenn der Alltag wieder zurück im Leben ist, kann ich mich immer an tolle Erfahrungen und Menschen erinnern.
Im Moment bin ich einfach erleichtert und glücklich, während ich am Sydney Airport sitze und noch 6h auf meinen Check-In nach Dubai warten muss!

Aber nun will ich euch noch von meinen letzten 2 Wochen in Australien berichten... auch wieder in Englisch!

Yeah guys...the first few sentences in german were just slipslop! But I have to say that it was a great time travelling, I met a lot of interesting, funny people and I will probably never forget it!

Well, I am gonna write about my last 2,5 weeks travelling. While I was hitching to Christchurch from Kaikoura, Blenheim and Nelson in New Zealand, I met really nice Kiwi's/ new zealandian people! The last one taking me with (called Hippie) was a british guy around 50, who immigrated 10 years ago and loved the life in NZ! He and his wife were moving a lot and now bought a house in Kaikoura at east coast...that's why he took me almost 200km to CHCH! He told me that he was travelling Europe with a CamperVan all by his own, as well! I slightly saw the similarities and understood once again that I really need to enjoy my last couple of weeks...

After arriving in CHCH alias the ghostcity-centre!!! I went to Amber. I asked Amber a couple of days afore to couchsurf at her place...she accepted my request and here I was! It was a great evening and we went out for dinner at a friends house...and had some really nice lentil-dinner! Once again I have to confess: THIS CITY IS FUCKED!  and I am really concerned...

Wearing a helmet is an obligation (if you do not, 150 N$ fine will apply)

After flying from CHCH to Sydney  I took the shuttle to the Hostel and stayed for 5 days in da city! Of course  I went to the New South Wales Art Gallery (weather was shit) were there was a special picasso exhibition only in one floor...and lots of australien Art and really crazy performances as well!

then I took part at the free guided walking tour through the city! The issue is to pay whatever you think is worth it and you'll still have a 3h guided walk with helpful explanations! We also went to the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House, Rocks...a famous part were lots freight depots in former times were built up, Circular Quay, Darlingharbour, Paddys Market...

One of my favourite parts is (again) Chinatown! I   l o v e   the food, people are more friendly and the prices are a lot cheaper...compared to the unhealthy fast food in other parts!

                                              For me as vegetarian of course fried tofu with vegetables and rice...fAnTaStIc!!! What a blast...

There is a free shuttle bus that goes a loop around the city...cool thing, but only available in low peak time!
In Sydney I also met Annika again...I got to know her in Singapore, later we met again in Brisbane and randomly we recognized that we are  in Sydney at the same time... this is just a great thing about travelling! On my last night before heading to Melbourne we went to the Sydney Opera House and I saw a really nice Cabarett...Annika went to the a real Opera!

The next day, just a couple of hours before my train left to Melbourne, I went surfing at Bondi Beach with Annika... It was just cool to try even though it takes some time to get used to it!

When I arrived in Melbourne the next day my plan was to spend a whole week there...I asked Dave (whom I knew from back in Copenhagen, cause he was visiting the city and couchsurfed at my placed as well) wether he could host me for this week as well. After having a delay of 1,5h the train arrived in Melbourne at 9 o'clock in the morning. I straight went to Dave's place as arranged...of course, it was a huge house, 4 people living in! The first days I took the a bike of Dave's and cycled the City! That actually is the coolest, cheapest and best way to explore around...especially when there are plenty of biking lanes like they are in Melbourne!!!

I went to the Parliament, took the free city tram and saw Chinatown...

Whenever and wherever I was couchsurfing I at least cooked a meal and bought a bottle of wine!

It usually looked like this:
   Selfmade Falafel with roasted potatoes and vegetables ... yum    

The next couple of days I saw some other sights! I went to the Ian Porter Art Gallery, drove through the Shrine of Remembrance (a memorial to remember the soldiers killed in World War II. Which has really really been impressing cause it still is after 67 years a big thing for Australians to remember the killed. And it was    H U G E


Afterwards I biked to St. Kilda...a tiny little place in 10 km distance from Melbourne at the ocean! It is famous for its pier and a world known vegan/ vegetarian, indian Restaurant (called: Lentils as anything) where you pay what you think it's worth it! That is such a cool idea! I had a lentil burger, a hot chocolate and some curry with rice and paid enough … I hope ^^)

I think Melbourne was one of the nicest cities I met through travelling! It was a lot european like with all the so missed historical sites, pretty green with big parks and nice garden and of course couchsurfing at Dave's place was like feeling home...

The next day a friend of Dave's invited us to his BEACH house!!!!

It has just been 2,5h drive from Melbourne at the Great Ocean Road close to a nice beach! Milley another friend of them drove us and we ended up in an Eucalyptus forest where there were Koala's right above us and parrots eating out of my hand! We cooked some nice food, did some sports, went to the beach and just had a GREAT GREAT time!!!

After the 4 days in the Beach house I took the train back to Sydney...of course they had a delay again (1,5h)...but nobody really cared about it

After arriving I just had 3 days left til my flight was going to Germany via Dubai...

In the Hostel I met some swedish guys whom I went with to the Sky Tower, to Darling Harbour and around Chinatown..

Jep...the next day I went to the Airport Sydney and flew 14h to Dubai! There I did a little sightseeing as well , cause I still had 14h at the Airport Dubai...after I got a stamp in  my passport I went to the tourist office board and wanted to get a city tour... But I was waiting 2h for the indian driver! First we didn't meet and then he forgot a card in the parking machine and got fined 60 US $... Now he wanted me to pay the whole rate..but I said you had a delay of 2h, it is not my fault that you got fined and the Tour didn't even take 2h as arranged beforehand!

In the end I paid 5$ less and he was pissed!

 The "sheik" (even though he was no sheik, THAT IS JUST HOW THEY DRESS UP FOR WORK) said: 1 billion indians got conquered/ occupied by 35 000 british conqueror... and they ruled the indian world! He said: That must have a reason....the indians never have an ideaof what they do and what they do often ends up in chaos or confusion!

I am always against these generalizations but this driver approved it! ;)

Now I am back home! It is pretty cold and of course it feels weird! But some things have changed... and I am a real uncle now, I have seen my niece!!! That's soo cool!

I will present a whole bung of my photographs as soon as I got a room in a shared flat in Dresden. This will be a Birthday-, Housewarming- and come-back         PaRtEEEEEEEEEy !!!

Everyone who wants to join is invited! I will give the date and my new adress as soon as I found a shared flat...it isn't too easy to find one! Maybe ... YOU could help me!?